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Cancun & vegetable heart pictures taken from Pinterest |
The first month of January... some might say the most productive of the months due to the famous 'New Years resolutions'. For me, I think this month has flown by and here is a summary of what I have been up to in January!
1. The one month anniversary of this blog since I started posting! I am so grateful for even having any followers. I didn't even think i'd have any this early on my blogging journey! So thank you for following me and I hope you stick around.
2. I started my dissertation! For those of you who don't know what a dissertation is, it is basically a horrendously long research paper (12,000 words) which you normally complete in the last year at University. I had mulled over a couple of ideas on what to research, but I finally decided on a topic. I had my first meeting with my tutor to discuss everything and any concerns I may have. I've chosen to do a library based research paper, which means many many hours of me trawling through books looking for relevant information. The thought of it scares me a little as I only have about 3 months left to complete it.
3. I worked with my first publishing company through Bloggers Required. I got sent two books to review for my blog and also to feature in a giveaway. I have already posted and reviewed about one book (check it out here and don't forget to enter the giveaway), and hopefully I will post the second book review in the next month or so (it would be earlier but Uni. work is getting in the way :().
4. I got the results back from the only two assignments I have currently submitted to my final year and i've passed both with A's! This was such a shock to me as one was a presentation and I get really nervous about talking to large groups of people knowing all eyes are on me. However this has given me the confidence knowing that I can in fact do it. Anxiety will not get the better of me!
5. I booked my flights back from Cancun. You might be thinking 'back from Cancun?', well I after my summer working in America I plan to go to Cancun for a bit of a holiday with my best friend, and the cheapest way I could do it was to book a return even though I am only using the flight back home to England! Free ticket one-way ticket to Cancun anyone?
6. I've become more of an experimental cook... This is quite a revolution for me as I never really wanted to spend more time in the kitchen than was necessary. However, with this new 'healthy lifestyle' I had tried to promise myself, I got myself fresh ingredients and found myself going through pages and pages of recipe websites. I made quite a few 'delicious', if I do say so myself, meals! Even though I know half of them aren't as 'healthy' as i'd first aimed for (oreo cheesecake, peanut butter cookies...) I think it's a step in the right direction and I really do enjoy making my meals now from scratch!
I feel like this month has been quite a productive month for me and I really hope its a sign of what the future months of 2014 have to come.
What have you been up to this January?